威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校材料科学与工程系 助理教授刘芳课题组有以下科研岗位,欢迎大家咨询和推荐,主要研究方向是用于大规模储能的电池材料。
1. 博士后 (随时入职),有电池材料和固态电解质研究经历的博士毕业生会优先考虑。要求为人正直,努力、乐观、向上,乐于助人,有团队合作能力,英文流利,交流无障碍。请将CV和至少两位推荐人联系方式发送至:fang.liu3@wisc.edu。
2. 硕士、博士研究生(2023年春季和秋季申请)。关于研究生申请过程的信息可以在这里找到https://grad.wisc.edu/apply/,欢迎有兴趣的同学在申请前通过邮件联系。
• Electrochemical behaviors of isolated lithium during battery operations.
• Formation of irreversible Li deposit induced by pressure inhomogeneity.
• Advanced manufacturing technology for ceramic-based solid-state electrolytes.
2012-2018,加州大学洛杉矶分校,化工系,博士 (卢云峰课题组)
• Investigated the electron transfer pathways in lithium-sulfur batteries.
• Developed a new cell architecture to dynamically block polysulfide diffusion.
• Chemically engineered interface for lithium metal batteries.
2008-2012,吉林大学化学系本科 (高分子专业)
• 国家奖学金 (2008-2010 )
1. Dynamic spatial progression of isolated lithium during battery operations.
F. Liu, R. Xu, Y. Wu, D. T. Boyle, A. Yang, J. Xu, Y. Zhu, Y. Ye, Z. Yu, Z. Zhang, X. Xiao, W. Huang, H. Wang, H. Chen, Y. Cui*. Nature 600, 659–663 (2021).
2. A morphologically stable Li/electrolyte interface for all-solid-state batteries enabled by 3D-
micropatterned garnet.
R. Xu†, F. Liu†, Y. Ye, H. Chen, W. Huang, Y. Ma, J. Wan, Yi Cui*. Advanced Materials 10, 2104009 (2021). (co-first author)
3. Dual redox mediators accelerate the electrochemical kinetics of lithium sulfur batteries.
F. Liu†, G. Sun†, H. B. Wu, G. Chen, D. Xu, R. Mo, L. Shen, X. Li, S. Ma, R. Tao, X. Li, X. Tan, B. Xu, G. Wang*, B. S. Dunn*, P. Sautet*, Y. Lu*, Nature Communications 11, 5215 (2020).
4. Fabrication of hybrid silicate coatings by a simple vapor deposition method for lithium metal anodes.
F. Liu, Q. Xiao, H. B. Wu, L. Shen, D. Xu, M. Cai, Y. Lu*, Advanced Energy Materials 8, 1701744 (2017). (Filed US Patent 10/608, 249 (2020))
5. Regenerative polysulfide-scavenging layers enabling lithium–sulfur batteries with high energy density and prolonged cycling life.
F. Liu, Q. Xiao, H. B. Wu, F. Sun, X. Liu, F. Li, Z. Le, L. Shen, G. Wang, M. Cai, Y. Lu*, ACS Nano 11, 2697 (2017).
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)位于美国中部威斯康星州首府麦迪逊,是一所公立研究型大学,2022年在US news全美材料系排名第十四。麦迪逊四季分明 ,是一个很适合生活学习的小城,距离芝加哥大概2.5小时车程。