Dr. Lu is an Assistant Professor and Director of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Track at R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy (Ranked #5 in NIH funding and #20 in US News and World Report), The University of Arizona, a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), a distinction to only 63 North America's premier research institutions. The overarching goal of the Lu lab strives to develop innovative, safe, and efficacious therapeutics at the interface of drug delivery, synthetic chemistry, pharmaceutics, nanotechnology, and tumor immunology to address the pressing unmet needs in current cancer, heart, and Alzheimer's diseases therapy and prevention.
Dr. Lu’s research work has been published in Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Biomaterials, etc, and has resulted in > $4 Million research funding including a Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) (R35, $1.9 Million) from National Institute of Health (NIH)/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a fundable R01 ($1.9 Million) from NIH/National Cancer Institute (NCI), a Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Foundation Research Starter Grant in Drug Delivery ($100,000), and several pilot and seed grants (~$200,000) from the State of Arizona and NIH-sponsored The Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center (SWEHSC). Visit Lu lab website at: https://wonderfulearth.wixsite.com/jianqinlu
1 Postdoctoral Research Associate (salary: $55,000/year, and also includes benefits/health/dental/vision insurance: ~$10,000/year) is available immediately. Candidates should have a strong track record in medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, drug delivery, nanomedicine, or immunology.
2 PhD students with full scholarship (includes $28,090 annual salary, benefits/health/dental/vision insurance and tuition, total: $~50,000/year) is available immediately. Candidates should have training in medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, drug delivery, nanomedicine, or pharmacology. Candidates with first author publication(s) in related fields is preferable.
Applicants should send cover letter and CV to Dr. Lu at lu6@pharmacy.arizona.edu or lu6@arizona.edu