Elodie Bourgeat-Lami 教授
Elodie Bourgeat-Lami于1991年获得法国蒙彼利埃第二大学化学专业的博士学位,目前是里昂大学法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的Research Director。 她的研究方向主要是制备复合胶体材料,重点是杂化胶体。
Nida Sheibat-Othman 教授
Nida Sheibat-Othman于2000年获得法国里昂大学化学工程专业的博士学位,目前是里昂大学法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的Directrice de Recherches。 她的研究方向包括从颗粒级到反应器级的化学过程建模,主要针对乳液聚合和液/液乳化系统。
合作项目1:Colloidal nanocomposite design through reversible deactivation radical polymerization: polymer/inorganic hybrid assemblies and beyond
Our group has recently developed innovative synthetic methods toward the design of stable composite particles. In a typical example, short statistical copolymers synthesized by RDRP are used to stabilize inorganic nanoparticles in aqueous solution and provide reactivatable groups from which polymer growth can occur in a subsequent emulsion polymerization step leading to various particle morphologies. We now seek to explore the vast possibilities offered by this method to produce new composite colloids and organic/inorganic hybrid assemblies, with the ultimate goal of elaborating functional nanostructured materials, with improved performances (electrical, mechanical, optical, etc.).
The PhD student will be immersed in a highly multidisciplinary environment that encompasses inorganic and polymer syntheses & characterization, film formation and properties. He/she should have excellent communication skills and a strong taste for experimental and interdisciplinary research. Experience in the field of radical polymerization in dispersed media (conventional or controlled) will be a plus.
合作项目2:Modeling of Pickering emulsion and dispersion polymerization processes
The aim of this PhD project is to investigate emulsion and dispersion polymerization in the presence of inorganic particles (such as nanoparticles of metal oxides: cerium oxide, alumina or zinc oxide). The selection of inorganic particles and polymers will be determined by their influence on the properties at the application level. The development of a mathematical model that describes the reaction and explains the different phenomena involved in the synthesis of the Pickering latexes is highly required for a better control of the product characteristics and a knowledge-based production of inorganic-armored composite particles.
elodie.bourgeat@lcpp.cpe.fr (项目1)
nida.othman@univ-lyon1.fr 和 elodie.bourgeat@lcpp.cpe.fr (项目2)